The market right now is very high and in our opinion very overvalued. As our followers know we pick stocks undervalued and at their trading bottoms. On of our recent picks SD was at 4.00 its now fighting 10.00 
There are a couple of funds that meet our criteria for a buy but we don’t trade the funds very often as they tend to lack fluidity and at times, volume.
We just wanted to say HI and that we haven’t stopped picking stock, we just have rules that we try not to break. Our goal is for traders to be able to see a 50% gain in their stock, we enjoy explaining that potential gain through charting and are very happy when our followers make money.
We could pick some random penny stock every week and pump it up and say it gained 1,000′s of percent, but we don’t do that and its illegal. We even pulled off a 50% gain off of BP in a short amount of time.
We make our picks when the time is right, and the time is not right at the moment.
I’ll keep looking.
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