Posts Tagged ‘arbitrage trading’

Arbitrage Trading

December 8th, 2010

What is Arbitrage Trading?
Arbitrage trading is one of many day trading strategies. It is the act of buying or selling a security within the trading day that takes advantage of value differences withing the market the security is being traded in. Every day the stock market is open arbitrage trades are being made all throughout the day.

An arbitrage trader will purchase a security and sell the same security (or one closely related) at the same time. They attempt to profit off of the value differences in the different markets. They may use the difference between CME futures and the NYSE for their trade. Often when news or events occur it can move the index higher or lower. Both markets will not move at the same time or for as strong a move. They will be unequal in price for a given amount of time. This is where arbitrage traders attempt to make their profit. More Arbitrage Trading